Betts' leads [insert team name here] to World Series title!

I think it’s about time we recognize the World Series Champs.  

I mean, it’s been two days and no word from me on it.  

Congratulations to the Dodgers for finally breaking through and winning the World Series. Arguably the best franchise in the last 10 years if you look at wins and division titles and not World Series titles — you know, the way we look at the Braves of the 90s/early 2000s.  

I will argue that unlike the Braves, this won’t be the only World Series title during this run. 

The biggest question is: Has the Dude stopped reading yet? 

Did he get to a paragraph ago and say, “Is this Jargon guy seriously taking time out to write about the Dodgers and not me?” 

Did I get you? Did I? 

I hope so. 

Truth is, I don’t even remember what happened other than Choo losing yet again.

Yeah, I know, low blow from the guy in the NL basement. Monkey, Steroid and I like it down here with all of our stars. There’s that quiet guy [Greinke] who doesn’t really bother anyone and that other guy who [Trout] is really good at letting us know if we need an umbrella when we go out. I have a bunch of jerks wearing red pinstripes who waste heat by never being able to shut the door. It’s a blast.

Speaking of blasts, this JLB World Series was pretty epic now that I look back at the boxscore.

I truly did follow along as it was happening, and I even started writing a Jargon on Day 1 of the series with the full intension of writing daily during the series. I thought maybe that would make up for my lackluster 2020.

I had about seven paragraphs typed — no lie — and then I really felt the weight of 2020 hit me. I worried about doing it nightly, so I stopped. I think I still have that document somewhere.

This year has been something else. Energy is hard to come by, I tell you.

And it should have been there. This World Series matchup finished with the Dude winning 12-10-2, and of the 24 categories, nine were decided by 2, and five were decided by 1. Add in that Choo won both RBIs and pitching Ks by 4, and you truly see how close this was. If Choo strikes out one less time and loses one fewer games, he’s sitting here for a month wondering where the hell his writeup is.

Razor thin decision here.

And like that, the National League regains its glory. Nine World Series in last 10 have gone to the NL, and it’s the first for the Dude, who took over the only Walter squad to not win a World Series.

That team looks much different than it did when it was in control of the Otto Parts.

The offense was among the best all season and the pitching was good, too, but it really took off in the World Series matchup with 12 quality starts, 11 wins, a 3.33 ERA and a 1.154 WHIP. Those categories belonged to Choo all year. He ranked No. 1 in all four heading into the series and he lost all four.

Losing four. Oh, man, I didn’t mean to say it that way. Sorry, Choo. 

Here’s to not losing five next year.

Congrats to the Dude. A well-earned victory taking a franchise that was middle of the pack for years and making it a scarier version of the Cheese Steaks. 

All of us here in the basement are truly proud of you.

Wait? What’s that? 

I think Greinke is saying something.

Speak up, dude. What did you say?

“Can I be traded back to JV yet?”

Jesus, Greinke. You and Crox. Just wait a few days. 
